Dr. Aaron Lim Boon Keng: Dokter Ortopedi di Island Hospital Penang

Dr. Aaron Lim Boon Keng - Dokter Tulang & Sendi Lutut & Bahu di Island Hospital Penang

Dr. Aaron Lim Boon Keng


  • Dr. Aaron Lim Boon Keng adalah dokter Bedah Ortopedi senior di Island Hospital Penang.
  • Pengalaman dan pendidikan di Malaysia dan UK
  • Favorit pasien Indonesia untuk masalah lutut serta cedera olahraga.
Pusat Layanan Pasien Indonesia, 100% Gratis:
→ 0813-81-555-258

  • Orthopaedics (Ortopedi)
  • Sports Medicine (Pengobatan Cedera Olahraga)
  • Persendian Lutut (Knees)
  • Operasi ACL
  • Bahu (Shoulders)
  • Cedera Olahraga (Sports Injuries)
  • MB, BCh, BAO - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery - National University of Ireland - 1985
  • LMSSA - Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries - London - 1985
  • MCh Orth - Master of Surgery in Orthopaedic - Univ of Liverpool, UK - 1993
  • FRCS (Edinburgh) - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - UK - 1990
  • AM - Academy of Medicine Malaysia
Pengalaman/Fokus/Minat Khusus:
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint & cartilage regeneration
  • Operasi ACL
  • Ligament tears of the knee joint
  • Shoulder-related injuries
  • Sports Medicine with Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
  • Regenerative Therapy with Stem Cells
Bahasa yang dikuasai
  • Bahasa Inggris (English)
  • Bahasa Malaysia (Malay)
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bahasa Mandarin Hokkien
  • Bahasa Mandarin Cantonese
Lokasi Praktek/Klinik Dr. Aaron Lim Boon Keng

Island Hospital Penang
Lantai 2, Room i Sports Centre.

Malaysia National Specialist Register (NSR) No. 130165

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WhatsApp: 0813 81 555 258


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